QUERCUS – a leading biomass producer chooses the GRAFS solution

29 May 2020

In May 2020, Quercus Sp. z o.o. purchased a GRAFS GR180 grinder for sharpening industrial knives working on machines used in biomass production.

Due to the intensive development of techniques for obtaining renewable energy sources, Quercus has specialized in the production of solid biofuels for wood for energy purposes. The recipients of this biomass are, first of all, Poland's leading pro-ecological heat and power plants generating energy in direct combustion, gasification and pyrolysis processes.

Biomass production

The production and supply of the highest quality biofuels is the most important area of ​​Quercus' activity.
To fully meet the conditions prevailing in the area in which the works are carried out, the company has at its disposal highly specialized technological lines, including modern self-propelled chippers, high-speed recyclers and shredders.

The scale of QUERCUS's operation is impressive, at the moment the company is able to make regular deliveries throughout the year, in quantities of up to 2000 tons per week! While you are reading this text, about 2,000 kg of wood biomass would be processed!

Knives for shredding

During such demanding work, the operation of machinery and equipment is very intense. This, of course, affects the wear of the machines themselves but above all the cutting tools used to crush the material from which biomass is produced. Due to the increasing costs of regeneration of shredding knives, QUERCUS decided to buy a machine for sharpening knives and carry out sharpening on their own.

Particularly important when choosing the machine was its versatility due to the QUERCUS company having several types of tools, differing in parameters.

QUERCUS has decided to purchase the GRAFS GR180 automatic grinder, adapted for efficient sharpening of shredding knives. Particularly important is the fact that thanks to the special function, the machine has the ability to simultaneously sharpen several knives arranged side by side. However, the biggest challenge posed by QUERCUS was to adapt the machine to grinding knives 350 mm wide! As a rule, the maximum grinding width for this type of machine is 200 mm, thanks to the carriage moving mechanism relative to the trolley of one machine, GRAFS met the challenge and provided a universal machine, with the possibility of sharpening knives with a width of 350 mm.

GRAFS attachment of shredder knives of a 350 mm wide.